2024 Water and Integrated Cropping Systems Hub Conference

Creating Connections Together

October 29th, 2024

at UNL East Campus Union
Great Plains Room

9:30am - 3:30pm

1705 Arbor Dr, Lincoln, NE 68503

Hosted by Water and Integrated Cropping Systems Hub

Contact Alisa Kushner if you have any questions
at akushner2@unl.edu.

To Register: https://events.unl.edu/WICS/



Morning Agenda 

 9:30 - 9:50  AM     Registration/Coffee 

 9:50 AM                Opening Comments

                                Daren Redfearn

                                Building Large, Efficient Teams

Facilitator:             Jay Parsons, Department of Agricultural Economics

10:00 AM               Future Trends for Building Successful Integrated Proposals

10:30 AM              Complex Systems-level Research (Rallying Around Big Questions)

11:00 AM             Strategies for Increasing Team Effectiveness

                             Alternatively, Translational/Relational Partnerships; Continued Peer Engagement

11:30-12:30 AM Poster Summaries 

                            Graduate Students 

 12:30 AM-1:30 PM Lunch 

 Afternoon Agenda 

1:30-2:15 Contemporary Engagement and Innovation

Facilitator: Doug Golick, Department of Entomology

1:30     Learning How to Learn

1:40     Systems Thinking

1:50     Connecting Ideas across Mission Areas (research, teaching, and extension/outreach)

2:00     Discussion/Q&A

2:15-2:30 Break

2:30-3:30 Share Fair

3:30 PM Adjourn 

Join our poster session

The poster session is open to faculty, graduate students, and professional staff to highlight projects, programs, or ideas related to Water and Integrated Cropping Systems. These posters can be developed for the WICS conference, or something presented at another professional meeting relevant to WICS within the last few years. It is requested to submit an abstract for each poster on the conference registration page by October 1st. Abstracts will be published in the WICS digital archive. 

Submit your Poster Abstracts here

Directions: Parking is allowed in A lot with those that have an A lot pass. For those that need a hang tag, please indicate that on your registration.

You will be able to obtain your hang tag at the north parking lot north of the East Union and parking lot.


Conference Abstracts Published here


2024 Poster Session Flyer