Carbon Agriculture Summit

Carbon Summit 2022

Panel Discussions

Boehm and Yoder
A Complex Cycle that Sustains Life
Panel Discussion 2
Carbon | The building blocks of Agriculture
Panel Discussion
NRCS Perspective on Carbon
Complexities in Soil Carbon Reservoirs
Complexities in Soil Carbon Resevoirs
Carbon sequestration | What is possible?
Panel Discussion 3
Looking to the Future
Looking to the Future



8:30 – 9:00

Sign in

9:00 – 9:30

Welcome and Scoping

9:30 – 10:30

Carbon: Building Block of Agriculture – Panel

  • Carbon in Soil
  • Carbon in Crop Production – Producer Perspective
  • Carbon in Grazing Lands – Producer Perspective
  • Carbon in Livestock Systems

10:30 – 11:00

Keynote – Agriculture in the Larger Carbon Cycle

11:00 – noon

Carbon – A Complex Cycle that Sustains Agriculture – Panel

  • Measuring Carbon
    • Direct
    • Fluxes
    • Remote Sensing
  • Modeling Carbon

noon – 12:15

The Carbon Cycle in Agriculture? – Table discussion and feedback

12:15 – 1:15

Lunch – continued table discussion

1:15 – 2:15

Carbon Sequestration – what is possible?

  • Thinking about Life Cycle Analysis
  • Can Carbon be sequestered in production row-crop systems?
  • Can Carbon be sequestered in natural grassland systems?
  • Can Carbon be sequestered in non-grazing livestock production systems?



2:30 – 3:00

What about Carbon markets?

3:00 - 3:30

Looking to the Future



Who is here today to talk about Soil Carbon?